
Siew Chan, Ph.D.

Siew Chan

Associate Professor of Accounting


Office locationNesbitt Academic Building, 5172,


Dr. Chan serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the She also served as the Research Topic Editor for Frontiers in Psychology from May 2021 to October 2022.


Chan, S. H., and Song, Q. (2021). Implications of tax audit risk, consequences, aggressive behavior and ethics for compliance. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 29(5): 823-847.

Chan, S. H., Song, Q., Trongmateerut, P., and Rivera, L. H. (2021). Will game-based learning enhance performance? International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 29(4): 651-668.

Janjarasjit, S., and Chan, S. H. (2021). Reaction of users as potential victims of information security breach. Information and Computer Security, 29(1): 187-206.

Chan, S. H., and Song, Q. (2021). Insight into the process of responsibility judgment of an audit failure. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 29(1): 67-90.

Chan, S. H., Creel, T. S., Song, Q., and Yurova, Y. V. (2021). Does CSR reporting indicate strong corporate governance? International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 29(1): 27-42

Chan, S. H., and Janjarasjit, S. (2019). Insight into hackers’ reaction toward information security breach. International Journal of Information Management, 49: 388-396.
McGowan, M., Chan, S. H., Yurova, Y., Liu, C., and Wong, R. (2018). The influence of institutional regulatory pressure on nonprofit hospital audit quality. Journal of Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting, 7(1): 1-23.
Chan, S. H., Song, Q., Sarker, S., and Plumlee, R. D. (2017). Decision support system (DSS) use and decision performance: DSS motivation and its antecedents. Information and Management, 54: 934-947.
Song, Q., Chan, S. H., and Wright, A. (2017). The efficacy of a decision support system in enhancing risk assessment performance. Decision Sciences, 48(2): 307-335.
Chan, S. H., Song, Q., Rivera, L. H., and Trongmateerut, P. (2016). Using an educational computer program to enhance student performance in financial accounting. Journal of Accounting Education, 36: 43-64.

Chan, S. H., Song, Q., and Yao, L. J. (2015). The moderating roles of subjective (perceived) and objective task complexity in system use and performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 51: 393-402.

Chan, S. H., Song, Q., Wright, A., and Wright, S. (2015). The effects of mianzi and professional relationship guanxi on auditor fraud detection. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 7(2): 224-261.

Liu, C., Yuen, C. Y., Yao, L. J., and Chan, S. H. (2014). Differences in earnings management between firms using U.S. GAAP and IAS/IFRS. Review of Accounting and Finance, 13(2): 134-155.
Chan, S. H., Song, Q., and Yao, L. J. (2011). Factors influencing responsibility attribution to the auditors. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 3(2): 76-106.

Yao, L. J., Liu, C., and Chan, S. H. (2010). The influence of firm specific context on realizing information technology business value in manufacturing industry. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 11(4): 353-362.

Chan, S. H., and Song, Q. (2010). Motivational framework: Insights into decision support systems use and decision performance. In S. J. Chiang (Ed.), Decision Support Systems (pp 1-24): InTech.

Yao, L. J., Sutton, S. G., and Chan, S. H. (2010). Wealth creation from information technology investments: An assessment of firm performance differences using the EVA. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50(2): 42-48.

Chan, S. H., Sutton, S. G., and Yao, L. Y. (2009). The paradoxical effects of feedback and reward on decision performance. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research, 12: 109-143.

Chan, S. H. (2009). The roles of user motivation to perform a task and decision support system (DSS) effectiveness and efficiency in DSS use. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(1): 217-228.

Chan, S. H., Lowe, D. J., and Yao, L. Y.  (2008). The legal implications for auditors using a fraud decision aid versus professional judgment. Journal of Forensic Accounting (currently Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting), 9: 63-82.

Chan, S. H. and Wright, S. (2007). Feasibility of more frequent reporting:  A field study informed survey of in-company accounting and IT professionals. Journal of Information Systems, 21(2): 101-115.

Yao, L. J., Kam, T. H. Y., and Chan, S. H. (2007). Knowledge sharing in Asian public administration sector: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 20(1): 51-69.

Chan, S. H. and Yao, L. J. (2005). An empirical investigation of hacking behavior. Review of Business Information Systems, 9(4): 41-58.

Chan, S. H. (2005). A motivational framework for understanding IS use and decision performance. Review of Business Information Systems, 9(4): 101-117.

Chan, S. H., Yao, L. J., and Carlson, J. R. (2005). Do firms use the database accounting approach in the design of their accounting information systems? International Journal of Applied Management and Technology, 3(1): 249-275.

Chan, S. H. and Yao, L. J. (2004). An exploratory study on systems security and hacker hiring. Review of Business Information Systems, 8(4): 17-28.