
Viewbook 2024: Brandon Rosas Video Transcript

[Brandon Rosas, Film] -My name is Brandon Rosas, and I'm a film major at University of North Georgia. I chose film major because it's something that I'm deeply passionate about in terms of watching cinematics, watching movies, seeing how sets are constructed and just being involved in the crew and the process of creating something just from scratch and also being able to be involved in a larger community of like-minded people who want to basically build on sets and film something that they can tell the world.

I joined the Screenwriters Guild not too long ago because I just love writing stories. Storytelling is something that's always been a part of my life, and I will always continue to pursue that passion and telling stories and also being able to express ideas and diverse inclusions in terms of getting everyone involved in a story. And I think everybody should tell a story, and I see the potential within myself to create stories that I never thought I'd be able to before. Found my passion in terms of digital film and media just by watching movies, just experiencing TV shows, seeing behind-the-scenes footage. I would always go back to the behind-the-scenes footage, see how everything's produced, how everything is made and in terms of just seeing how the production value goes and the passion and how it takes a long time to create it. But ultimately it's worth every ounce of that time to create something quite remarkable.